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Smear Campaigns by a Narcissist poem

When you break free from toxicity, 

They will try to ruin your name.

Misinformation spreads like wildfire, 

But you know the truth all the same.

Their grip on you was suffocating, 

But now you can finally breathe.

And though their slander may be frustrating, 

You know you can always leave.

You stay above their twisted lies, 

Knowing that others will see the light.

Perhaps it will take some time, 

But the truth cannot stay out of sight.

You refuse to be controlled, 

By the whispers of the dark.

You walk confidently in your truth, 

Igniting a powerful spark.

For when you break free from toxicity, 

You become unstoppable and strong.

And though they may try to bring you down, 

Your resilience will carry you along.


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