Narcissistic idealization is the process of viewing oneself as perfect or superior, as well as projecting those same qualities onto others. This is a common trait among individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Here are a few examples of narcissistic idealization:
1. Self-image: Narcissists often see themselves as special, unique, and more important than others. They may exaggerate their achievements, talents, or possessions in order to appear superior.
2. Partners and romantic relationships: Narcissists often idealize their romantic partners or love interests, portraying them as perfect and putting them on a pedestal. They may also become infatuated with celebrities or other high status individuals.
3. Acquaintances and relationships: Narcissists may idealize those they view as important, such as a boss, mentor, or coworker. This can lead to sycophantic behavior and a desire to be close to these individuals.
4. Children: Narcissistic parents may idealize their children as extensions of themselves, viewing them as the perfect embodiment of their own traits and qualities.
5. Objects and possessions: Narcissists may idealize their possessions, such as a car or house, seeing them as a reflection of their own status and importance.
Overall, narcissistic idealization involves a distorted perception of reality, where the individual sees themselves and others in an overly positive light. This can lead to a lack of empathy and an inflated sense of self-importance.
You got this, stay stong, your stronger then you know